LANTITE 2-Hour Mock Exam (2)
Important: Read terms and conditions before purchasing, as you are bound to these once a purchase has been made. You will be provided access to your product via a secure Google Drive link sent to the email address you provide at checkout. From here, you can access your product. Please note that downloading, sharing, printing and editing this product is not possible. Your purchase grants you access to view the product only (with unlimited access to view/open the file).
Our 2-hour practice exam takes your study to the next level with LANTITE-derived questions and worked solutions available. Time yourself, answer the questions, and mark your own work with our answer sheet. A score of 75% or above is usually indicative of achieving the standard.
This product includes:
- Mock Exam 2
How long it will take:
- This exam is timed at 2 hours; however, if you have successfully applied for reasonable adjustments, we recommend factoring this additional time in.
Note: students undertaking long-term tutoring with us do not need to purchase this exam. You will sit this exam during a session.
Tech Specs
NOT downloadable, printable or shareable. You will be provided ACCESS ONLY to a secure Google Drive link.